Quartz watches are widely popular for their reliability and accuracy, but how exactly do quartz watches work? To understand the inner workings of quartz watches, it is important to understand the components that make them up. This blog post will explain the working principle behind quartz watches, as well as provide an overview of SKMEI, a leading quartz watch manufacturer in China.
The Components of a Quartz Watch
At its core, a quartz watch consists of four main components: batteries, quartz oscillators, integrated circuits, and display elements. The battery provides energy to power the watch while the quartz oscillator acts as a time benchmark by vibrating at a specific frequency. This frequency is then used by the integrated circuit to create pulses which are sent to the display elements (such as hands or numbers) so that they can show what time it is.
Quartz Movement Mechanism
When the battery supplies power to the watch, it also activates an electric current which passes through a tiny piece of synthetic quartz crystal inside the watch. This causes the crystal to vibrate at an incredibly precise rate – typically around 32,768 times per second – which in turn creates electric pulses used by the integrated circuit to control how quickly or slowly time passes on our watch. The more accurate these pulses are produced and monitored by this circuit, the more accurate our watch’s timekeeping will be.
SKMEI Watches Manufacturer
SKMEI is one of China’s leading watches manufacturers with over 4000 SKU available for customers around the world. As an OEM supplier and ODM manufacturer for watches partners worldwide, we offer custom designs and services for all kinds of people who want reliable and accurate quartz watches. Our mission is to provide beautiful moments for everyone through quality products manufactured with care and precision.
Quartz watches are incredibly popular due to their accuracy and reliability when compared to traditional mechanical watches. By understanding how they work – namely through batteries providing energy to activate an electric current passing through a tiny piece of synthetic quartz crystal oscillator – we can better appreciate why they are such great timepieces. For anyone looking for quality custom-made quartz watches in China, SKMEI should be your first port of call! With over 4000 SKUs available, you’re sure to find something that meets your requirements!